After spending 6 months trying to find a literary agent to champion The Art of Falling in Love with You, I finally gave up on having my first book traditionally published. That meant I was left with two options.
1.Shelve TAOFILWY for now and focus on finishing my second book so I could query once more.
2. Self-publish my book.
As someone who is completely new to the publishing industry, the latter was a daunting task. But every time I thought about storing TAOFILWY away, my heart broke. I saw too much potential in the story to have it not be out there for the world to see. So after much thought, I decided to self-publish.
Self-publishing is definitely not easy and I encountered many obstacles. I would have definitely wanted to have had the resources and connections that traditionally published authors have, but it can’t be helped. I am very happy with how TAOFILWY came out. I think the quality of the book (printing quality/exterior & interior design/formatting of the book) resembles that of a traditionally published book which I am very proud of. I am forever grateful to the wonderful people who aided me in accomplishing this amazing feat.
I still can’t believe that I finished writing an entire manuscript much less self-published it! I definitely learned a lot of helpful tips and things I wish I would have known prior to my book’s publication-all which I will be implementing in my second and future books. Writing is my passion and if self-publishing my books is the only way for my stories to be heard, then I’ll do it. I want more readers to discover and enjoy reading my books.
Thank you to all my readers and supporters! Please continue to look forward to my current and future novels.
Hope this blog was helpful or at least somewhat interesting to read. As always, thanks for reading! <3