Last Updated: April 18, 2023
Back in the day, I used to write fan fiction for fun. In the beginning, I started this hobby of mine because I was unsatisfied with the outcome of the original story. Usually it was because the couple I shipped didn’t end up together or how one of my favorite characters needed justice for something they did or didn’t do. Writing fan fiction was my way of closure since when I got invested in something, my heart regarding that thing would feel everything twice as much.
Then one random day, my first story idea sparked in my mind. From that year forward, few more story ideas would appear in my brain ever so often. Even though they were just ideas and not a whole story, I finally had something to work with. Since I had a story idea that I wanted to see come to life and share with the rest of the world, in 2018, publishing a book became part of my bucket list.
I wasn’t sure when or how fast I was going to accomplish this goal of mine but I was going to do it no matter what. And the funniest part is that my original story idea I thought I was going to write first did not end up being my debut novel. Instead, a completely new idea I thought up two to three years later ended up being the first book I published. During the writing process of/after writing TAOFILWY, I never felt more sure of one thing.
I love writing.
I love typing my ideas on the keyboard, bringing each of my characters’ to life, and getting lost in my writing zone. As I mentioned in my Afterword/Acknowledgements of TAOFILWY, I only use words as a medium to convey my ideas. I want to be a good writer, but I know I still have a long road ahead of me until I reach there (or at least on my standards). Regardless, I just simply love writing. Writing makes me happy and I hope I can make others feel all sorts of emotions when they read my stories.
When I was younger, most of my classmates and friends already knew what career they wanted to pursue. I always felt a little sad and weird for not knowing what I wanted to do. I might be late in joining the bandwagon, but I am more determined than ever.
The Art of Falling in Love with You will be published on May 18th, 2023. I’m in this for the long haul. TAOFILWY will be the first of many novels I plan to publish. For my lovely readers and the future A. A. Jaeon, please continue to wait a little longer as I work on my next book.
Hope this blog was somewhat entertaining to read. As always, thank you for reading! <3